Help Desk
Help Desk
Q: How do I add another delegate to my stand?
A: Email with the contact details of the additional delegate details (Name, Company, Email Address) and NOF will add these to the event platform.
Q: How many delegates can I add to my stand?
A: Please note all exhibition bookings provide two delegate places. If you wish to add any additional delegate places these would need to be booked/paid for in addition to your stand.
Q: Can two attendees from one company attend one meeting?
A: Unfortunately it is not possible to have two attendees from one company attend a meeting together. If anyone wanted to do this it would need to be on an external platform (Microsoft Teams/Zoom etc.)
Q: How do I gain access to the sessions?
A: Select the 'Agenda' tab and click into the session, then click the green 'Register' button. You will recieve a notification before the session starts.
Q: How do I book meetings with other companies/delegates?
A: For booking a meeting with a company, select the 'Exhibitors' tab and click into the company you want to meet, there will then be the option to 'Book a meeting'
For booking a meeting with a delegate, select the 'Attendees' tab and click into the attendee you want to meet, you have the option to connect with them and also select a time slot.
Q: Are presentations recorded and when can I get access to them?
A: Yes - we will be seeking approval from all speakers for the sessions. We aim to get these circulated early week commencing 9th November.
Q: Can you access the sessions when they have already started?
A: Yes
Q: I can't hear anything
A: Please try leaving/logging out of the event platform and back in
Please try using a different internet browser such as Google Chrome/Firefox
Please try using the Desktop App
When in the session, go into the Audio settings (bottom left corner)
Q: The Swapcard screen isn't showing anything
A: Please try using a different internet browser such as Google Chrome/Firefox
Try removing your cache
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